Corrugated is the ultimate flexible packing material. 90% of all goods shipped are packaged in corrugated. There are many standard style a number of which are shown below. as well as custom design packaging product created to meet unique requiremets.

We manufacture a wide range of box types that are available in plain or printed formats. Our more popular styles includes:

  • Regular Slotted Container (RSC)
  • Full Flap Slotted Container (FFSC)
  • Half-Slotted Container (HSC)
  • Corner Cut Folder (CCF)
  • Five Panel Folder (5PF)
  • Five Panel Folder - Center Fold (5PFCF)
  • Sleeve and Caps (SNC)
  • Overlap Container
  • Die Cut Boxes
  • Pads
  • Partitions
  • Single Face Rolls

Paper Angle Boards and Corner Protectors

Paper angle boards can absorb shocks, jerks and vibrations very easily, made from multiple layers of paper tightly bonded together with glue, paper angle boards can be made in various sizes and thicknesses as per the requirement of the customer. Paper angle boards increases the stacking strength of the packaging and enables full use of warehouse space. We manufacture angle boards in L, U, Flat, Square and Rectangular formats

We are pleased to inform you that in our quest to offer total eco-friendly packaging solutions to our valued customers and also as a part of our diversification plans.

As you are aware, “Angle board” is a secondary packaging product made from several layers of special grade paper, glued & bonded together for stiffness and rigidity. The flat board is processed further to offer two sides at right angle to each other. Angle board reinforces the corners of stacked shippers/boxes, both horizontally and vertically as well. It lends added strength, stability and protection to the primary packaging during storage and transportation and can be made available in various customized sizes to meet your specific requirement

We look now forward to your valued requirement for Angle boards and assure you of our best product & services as always

Paper Pallets

With a load baring capacity of 3000 Kg, our paper pallets are cost effective, lighter in weight and earth friendly then fresh pine wood. Paper pallets are exempted from ISPM 15 norms and are considered to be more export friendly then fresh pine wood pallets. Available in both 2 way and 4 way formats and around 7 different designs, paper pallets can be made as per the requirement of the customer